2019年4月17日 星期三


20190415 剛好院長找我去主課某堂與醫學教育、教育科技相關的課程
忽然發現 自己的專長、職業與熱愛,可透過這樣的組合,進行發揮
medicine education+ e-learning/technology+learner analytics
  • journal:
  • 1.Academic medicine (LWW Journals)
  • 2.Medical Education (Blackwell)
  • 3.Medical Education Journal(Taiwan Association of Medical Education)
  • 4.Medical Teacher
  • book:
  • A Practical Guide for Medical Teachers, 5th Ed. Edited by John A. Dent and Ronald M. Harden, 2017.
  • Understanding Medical Education: Evidence, Theory and Practice, 2nd Edition, Tim Swanwick, Wiley-Blackwell, 2013.
  • 2Curriculum development for medical education, 3rd ed. Edited by Patricia A. Thomas, David E. Kern et al. Johns Hopkins University Press, 2016.
  • Essential Skills for a Medical Teacher: An Introduction to Teaching and Learning in Medicine, 2nd Ed. Edited by Ronald M. Harden and‎ Jennifer M. Laidlaw, 2017.
  • 醫學教育之課程發展:六個階段的方法(藝軒/ISBN13:9789576168116)



閱讀書籍: 孩子和你想的不一樣 那又何妨

閱讀書籍: 孩子和你想的不一樣 那又何妨 閱讀所得: 陪伴引導、從改變自己開始、身教言教 父母如果要發揮影響力,絕不是指責或命令 而是了解孩子其實和我們一樣茫然,和孩子一起找出適合自己的出路 #閱讀100  #知識卡片 #94快讀書